5 Steps How to Start a Blog in 2019 and Make Money (Free Easy Guide for Beginners)


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to start a blog in 2019 and make money. If you’ve been contemplating starting your own blog but don’t know where to begin, you’re in the right place! In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step approach to help you kickstart your blogging journey and turn it into a profitable venture.

Step 1: Choose a Blogging Platform

When starting a blog, the first crucial decision you need to make is choosing the right blogging platform. There are several popular platforms available, such as WordPress, Blogger, and Wix. Each platform has its own set of features, benefits, and limitations, so it’s essential to assess your needs and goals before making a choice.

Step 2: Select a Domain Name and Hosting Provider

Once you’ve decided on a blogging platform, it’s time to select a domain name and a hosting provider. Your domain name is your blog’s unique web address, so choose something catchy, memorable, and relevant to your niche. When it comes to hosting, opt for a reliable provider that offers excellent uptime, fast loading speeds, and robust security features.

Step 3: Set Up and Customize Your Blog

With your blogging platform, domain name, and hosting in place, it’s time to set up and customize your blog. Take advantage of the platform’s customization options to create a visually appealing and user-friendly blog. Choose a theme or template that aligns with your blog’s niche and customize it to reflect your brand identity.

Step 4: Create High-Quality Content

Now that your blog is up and running, it’s time to focus on creating high-quality content. Content is the backbone of any successful blog, so make sure your articles are informative, engaging, and well-researched. Incorporate relevant keywords strategically to boost your blog’s visibility in search engine results.

Step 5: Promote Your Blog and Monetize it

Once you have a solid content foundation, it’s time to promote your blog and explore monetization opportunities. Utilize social media platforms, guest blogging, and SEO techniques to drive traffic to your blog. You can monetize your blog through various methods like affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and display advertising.


Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of our guide on how to start a blog in 2019 and make money. By following these five steps and consistently producing valuable content, you’ll be on your way to building a successful and profitable blog.

That concludes our comprehensive guide on how to start a blog and make money. We hope you found this article helpful and informative. Good luck on your blogging journey!


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Hello friends, my name is Cmadhav, I am the Writer and Founder of this blog and share all the information related to Blogging, SEO, Internet, Review, WordPress, Make Money Online, News and Technology through this website.

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